

Supplier description

  1. Model: YYNMOS-1
  2. Input and output are completely isolated
  3. Input Signal: 3-20V PWM signal
  4. Output Capacity: DC 3.7-27V, and the current is within 10A
  5. PWM Frequency: 0-20KHz


The output port can control high power devices, such as motors, lamps, LED lamp strings, DC motors, micro water pumps, electromagnet valves; it can input PWM to control motor rotate speed and the brightness of a lamp.

The YYNMOS-1 module is described here and has one channel. There exists also a YYNMOS-4 module, which is a four-channel version.



Interface Introduction

Pin Specification
DC+ The positive pole of the device's DC power supply
DC- The negative pole of the device's DC power supply
PWM Signal input positive terminal (connects to MCU IO ports, PLC interface)
GND signal input negative terminal
OUT+ Positive output terminal (connects to the positive pole of the device)
OUT- Negative output terminal (connects to the negative pole of the device)

Reverse engineered schema of the module.

About D4: The square black diode is probably a 1N4148WT. It is marked "T4".

About D3: The glass diode is probably a ZMM5248B-7, which is a 18V Zener diode. It protects the gate of the FET against negative voltages and also against positive voltages above 18V.

About R1: the module in the picture has a value of 470Ω, the one I bought has 2K2. Due to this high value, the module does not work when connected to a NodeMCU pin, which works with 3.3 Volt. Initially, I tried to get it working by shorting the LED D1, but that did not help enough. So, I replaced the resistor with one of 470 Ohm, and that solved the problem.

About R3: the module in the picture has a value of 100K, the one I bought has 10K (which is not so good).

p2.png p3.png

Product application example


Layout and connections

p5.png p6.png


Datasheet of the MOSFET 60N03 (pdf).

Datasheet of the opto-coupler L217 (pdf).
