Design principles

  • There are 2 curtains, each controlled by their own motor: the outer one is a vitrage (lace/net curtain).
  • Control the curtains motors
  • React immediately on the two buttons
  • No need for interrupts and sleep mode (since we are mains powered and for simplicity). Hence we can also be repeater.
  • There are RJ11(??) connections for two mechanical buttons combined in 3 stable positions: up, down or idle. The module can be mounted hidden on the wall behind the curtains.
  • The buttons can be configured for impulse (so, the relais only give a puls of 1s), or for switch (the motor moves as long the switch is actuated, and stops when released).
  • The Dooya motors do not provide a means to know what the state of the curtain is. Still, if only remotely operated, we do know.

Used components

Future extensions

  • Local buttons to control the movement.


There are two statecharts like the one below: one for the vitrage, and one for the curtain.



State Constraints Description
idle   the motor is not running
opening   the motor is opening thanks to a remote command
closing   the motor is closing thanks to a remote command
open   the curtain is completely open
closed   the curtain is completely closed

the motor is not running

we do not know what the position of the curtain is


Action Validations Effect Description
timeout     after a minute, we presume the motor reached the target
remoteOpen not state Open   a command has been received from remote for open
remoteClose not state Closed   a command has been received from remote for close



Component Pin Wire Pin Component
NRF24L01+ Adapter VCC red 5V PowerSupply HLK-PM01
NRF24L01+ Adapter GND black GND PowerSupply HLK-PM01
NRF24L01+ Adapter CE white D9 ArduinoNano5V
NRF24L01+ Adapter CSN orange D10 ArduinoNano5V
NRF24L01+ Adapter SCK grey D13 ArduinoNano5V
NRF24L01+ Adapter M0 (MOSI) yellow D11 ArduinoNano5V
NRF24L01+ Adapter M1 (MISO) purple D12 ArduinoNano5V
ArduinoNano5V 5V red 5V PowerSupply HLK-PM01
ArduinoNano5V GND black GND PowerSupply HLK-PM01
RelayModule2Channel 5V red 5V PowerSupply HLK-PM01
RelayModule2Channel GND black GND PowerSupply HLK-PM01
RelayModule2Channel In1 green D7 ArduinoNano5V
RelayModule2Channel In2 blue D8 ArduinoNano5V
Button 1   orange D2 ArduinoNano5V
Button 2   purple D3 ArduinoNano5V


Protection with inductive load

It is advised to use a Varistor over the contacts of the relay.


Source Code

Based on

Code ...


  • Board: Arduino Nano
  • Processor: ATmega328P (Old Bootloader)
Tags: domotica nodes