Building a RF-Gateway for 433MHz with an ESP32 and a CC1101 module

RF Gateway

The project I am going to build

The last few weeks, I tried to build the project described here:

This is the project that the Domoticz hardware “RFLink Gateway MQTT” is based on:

Used modules

Maybe later:

Hardware connections

Name ESP32 CC1101
  3v3 VCC
  18 SCK
  19 MISO
  23 MOSI
pins::RX_RESET not connected
pins::RX_CS CSN
pins::RX_DATA pins::TX_DATA 26¹ GDO0

¹ These must be configured in the web portal, values suggested here are proven to work reliably.


I have the Github CLI command gh installed on my system, so that is what I use:

michiel@Delphinus:~/development/github> gh repo clone cpainchaud/RFLink32

michiel@Delphinus:~/development/github> cd RFLink32

I have Platformio Core installed on my system, so that is what I use:

michiel@Delphinus:~/development/github/RFLink32> get_pio

In .bashrc, I have an alias defined as follows: alias get_pio='source ~/.platformio/penv/bin/activate'.

(penv) michiel@Delphinus:~/development/github/RFLink32> pio run

(penv) michiel@Delphinus:~/development/github/RFLink32> pio run -e genericESP32  -t upload

(penv) michiel@Delphinus:~/development/github/RFLink32> pio run -e genericESP32  -t monitor

The serial commands you can give in the monitor/terminal are specified here:.

This RFLink command sets the Wifi credentials - using my mobile phone did not work - fill in the password here!:

10;config;set;{"wifi":{"client_enabled":true,"client_dhcp_enabled":true,"client_ssid":"FRITZ!Box 7530 AA","client_password":"..........."}}

Look for the following line when starting up: WiFi Client has received a new IP:

Next, browse to and log in with the default login details: name = rflink32 / password = 433mhz

Hardware malfunction for CC1101 - defect #103

On the serial connection (pio run -e genericESP32 -t monitor) we see continuously:

Now trying to initialize hardware 'CC1101'
Initialized CC1101(freq=433.92Mhz,br=9.600kbps,rxbw=250.0khz)=-104
CC1101 SetOOK(true)=0
CC1101 setPromiscuousMode(true)=0
CC1101 disableSyncWordFiltering(true)=0
Hardware failed to initialize, we will retry later!

Follow instructions here to solve this:

Change ../RFLink32/RFLink/1_Radio.cpp to have default_rxBandwidth = 203000; instead of default_rxBandwidth = 250000;.

Then do another pio run -e genericESP32 -t upload - no worry, this retains the configuration.

Startup blah

This text appears after startup of the module on the serial console after the command pio run -e genericESP32 -t monitor:

configsip: 0, SPIWP:0xee
mode:DIO, clock div:2
entry 0x400805e4
E (524) esp_core_dump_flash: No core d.f.p partition found!
E (524) esp_core_dump_flash: No core dump partition found!

Arduino IDE Version :   10812
ESP SDK version:        v4.4.4
Sketch File :           RFLink/RFLink.cpp
Compiled on :           Aug  3 2024 at 16:57:57
Loading persistent filesystem... OK. File system usage: 12/320KB.
Now opening JSON config file '/config.json'
JSON file mem usage: 1800 / 4096
Now dumping JSON file content:
{"wifi":{"client_enabled":true,"client_dhcp_enabled":true,"client_ssid":"FRITZ!Box 7530 AA","client_password":".................","client_ip":"","client_mask":"","client_gateway":"","client_dns":"","client_hostname":"RFLink32","ap_enabled":true,"ap_ssid":"RFLink-AP","ap_password":"","ap_ip":"","ap_network":"","ap_mask":""},"mqtt":{"enabled":true,"server":"mqtt","port":1883,"id":"RFLink32","user":"","password":"","topic_in":"/ESP00/cmd","topic_out":"/ESP00/msg","lwt_enabled":true,"topic_lwt":"/ESP00/lwt","ssl_enabled":false,"ssl_insecure":true,"ca_cert":""},"serial2net":{"enabled":false,"port":1900},"portal":{"enabled":true,"auth_enabled":true,"auth_user":"rflink32","auth_password":"433mhz"},"signal":{"async_mode_enabled":false,"sample_rate":1,"min_raw_pulses":24,"seek_timeout":25,"min_preamble":100,"min_pulse_len":90,"signal_end_timeout":5000,"signal_repeat_time":250,"scan_high_time":50},"radio":{"hardware":"CC1101","rx_data":26,"rx_vcc":-1,"rx_nmos":-1,"rx_pmos":-1,"rx_gnd":-1,"rx_na":-1,"rx_reset":-1,"rx_cs":5,"tx_data":26,"tx_vcc":-1,"tx_nmos":-1,"tx_pmos":-1,"tx_gnd":-1}}
Switching from Radio hardware 'generic' to 'CC1101'
Initialized CC1101(freq=433.92Mhz,br=9.600kbps,rxbw=203.0khz)=0
CC1101 SetOOK(true)=0
CC1101 setPromiscuousMode(true)=0
CC1101 disableSyncWordFiltering(true)=0
Hardware initialization was successful!
Applied slicer 'Legacy'
Signal parameters have changed.
* WIFI AP starting with SSID 'RFLink-AP' and band=11... OK
Trying to connect WIFI SSID FRITZ!Box 7530 AA. A status will be given whenever it occurs.
E (1326) gpio: gpio_isr_handler_remove(480): GPIO isr service is not installed, call gpio_install_isr_service() first
E (1327) gpio: gpio_wakeup_disable(579): GPIO number error
E (1331) gpio: gpio_set_intr_type(147): GPIO number error
Radio pin RF_RX_DATA :  26
Radio pin RF_RX_CS :    5
Radio pin RF_TX_DATA :  26
Starting WebServer... OK
Connected to AP SSID:FRITZ!Box 7530 AA  BSSID: DC:39:6F:F3:0D:7D  Channel: 6  Auth mode: 3
WiFi Client has received a new IP:
MQTT parameters have changed, first disconnecting...
MQTT parameters have changed, now applying...
Trying to connect to MQTT Server 'mqtt' ... Established
MQTT ID :               RFLink32
MQTT Username :
NTP synchronized: 2024-08-04 13:21:07

MQTT settings

LWT : Last Will and Testament

What is the MQTT topic that the module should use? I did not find any prescription for this. There is a topic given in So, that is what I used:

Subject Default Topic Change to topic
Topic In /ESP00/cmd rflink/out
Topic Out /ESP00/msg rflink/in
Topic LWT /ESP00/lwt rflink/lwt

Discover signals

After starting the RFLink board, place it in debug mode by issuing this command on the serial port:


This will ensure that anytime a set of RF pulses is received and not recognized by a plugin that it will be output.

The syntax for RFLink is here:

Listen to MQTT

Execute the following in a terminal window on a PC:

michiel@Delphinus:~> mosquitto_sub -h mqtt -t "rflink/#" -v

Pressing the ‘+’ on the kichen fan remote gives: rflink/out 20;11;X10;ID=0aaa;SWITCH=01;CMD=ON;

So, this proves that the module receives signals.

The kitchen fan

Received on MQTT topic “rflink/out”:

Button MQTT message Description/Remarks
+ 20;21;X10;ID=0aaa;SWITCH=01;CMD=ON; From very close by
+ 20;08;CAME-TOP432;ID=0aaa;SWITCH=01;CMD=ON; From 1m distance
- 20;22;X10;ID=0aa9;SWITCH=01;CMD=ON; From very close by
- 20;19;CAME-TOP432;ID=0aa9;SWITCH=01;CMD=ON; From 1m distance
Light 20;08;CAME-TOP432;ID=0a2e;SWITCH=01;CMD=ON; From 1m distance
Novy 20;24;X10;ID=0aab;SWITCH=01;CMD=ON; From 1m distance
On/Off 20;07;CAME-TOP432;ID=0a2c;SWITCH=01;CMD=ON; From 1m distance

The second number is a sequence number, should be ignored here.

Sending RF via MQTT

The following should command the RFLink module to transmit the ‘+’ RF command to the kitchen fan:

michiel@Delphinus:~> mosquitto_pub -h mqtt -t "rflink/in" -m '10;CAME-TOP432;0aaa;01;ON;'
michiel@Delphinus:~> mosquitto_pub -h mqtt -t "rflink/in" -m '10;X10;0aaa;01;ON;'

On mosquitto_sub, the RFLink module responds:

rflink/in 10;CAME-TOP432;0aaa;01;ON;
rflink/out 20;02;OK;

rflink/in 10;X10;0aaa;01;ON;
rflink/out 20;03;OK;

But there is no response from the fan …

I won’t progress here unless I start looking at the incoming and outgoing signals with an oscilloscope.

How to use domoticz hardware

Apparently, a device is created in the RFLink hardware. Which I do not understand - this not what we want here.

  • In Domoticz, in the hardware list, add “RFLink Gateway MQTT” device.
  • Press the button “Create RFLink Devices”.
  • Enter a name, e.g. “Keuken Fan Plus”. Press OK.
  • Then press the RF remote button. Apparently, this is the way to learn a device in Domoticz.
  • Now, I see in MQTT:
;flink/out 11;Keuken Fan Plus

The 11 means creation of devices … see

But no device appears in Domoticz … how does this work?

Project status

So, this is how far I got with this project.

I received some signals from the kitchen fan remote control, but nothing from the curtains remote control. I did not succeed to send any signal to any device - at least, the device did not react.

The next step is to look at the signals with an oscilloscope.

Maybe the CC1101 is not a good choice? Should I try the alternative SRX882 / STX882 module that I received?