The following pages and posts are tagged with

Title Type Excerpt
Controllino Mega README Page Controllino ReadMe
About domotica Page This website describes my electronics and domotica project
The Berry language - writing a driver Page The Berry language, Tasmota, HaspMota, as used for the smart thermostat build with the 4.0 inch Smart Display Guition ESP32-S3-4848S040
The Berry language applied to Tasmota, HaspMota Page The Berry language as applied to Tasmota, HaspMota, as used for the smart thermostat build with the 4.0 inch Smart Display Guition ESP32-S3-4848S040
Thermostat MQTT communication with Domoticz Page Thermostat MQTT communication with Domoticz, as used for the smart thermostat build with the 4.0 inch Smart Display Guition ESP32-S3-4848S040
Thermostat - Global variables Page Global variables for the thermostat build with the Smart Display Guition ESP32-S3-4848S040 4.0inch
Domotica index Page Overview Nodes Tools Modules Discrete Components Tests Model
Display TFT ILI9341 Touch LCD Page 2.8 inch TFT ILI9341 Touch LCD
PWM to Voltage converter with GP8101 Page GP8101S PWM to 0-5V/10V PAC Module
Voltage controlled input SCR regulator module Page Voltage controlled input SCR regulator module
Adding a SHT40 to the Guition ESP32-S3-4848S040 Page Adding a I²C SHT40 temperature and humidity sensor to the Guition ESP32-S3-4848S040
Improvements of the power supply Page Improvements of the power supply - adding a safety capacitor, MOV varistor
Guition ESP32-S3-4848S040 Page Smart Display Guition ESP32-S3-4848S040 4.0inch
AHT20+BMP280 Temperature, Humidity, Air Pressure I2C sensor module Page Temperature, Humidity, and Barometric Pressure I2C sensor module
LED strip and 6 spots Page A LED strip and 6 spots are controlled by an 8 relay board with an Arduino Nano
Thermostat build with smart display Guition ESP32-S3-4848S040 Page A smart thermostat build with the 4.0 inch Smart Display Guition ESP32-S3-4848S040
IRLZ44N Page IRLZ44N Logic Level gate drive power MOSFET in TO-220 package
NTC Thermistor Resistor 47D-15 Page NTC Thermistor Resistor 47D-15, used to limit rush-in current
PCF8574 8-bit I/O Expander for I2C bus Page PCF8574 8-bit I/O Expander for I2C bus (DIP-16)
Hongfa Relay HF41F Page Subminiature Power Relay 6A 170mW
STWD100 Watchdog Page STWD100 Watchdog timer circuit SOT23-5
WS2812B LED Individually Addressable Page Intelligent control LED integrated light source WS2812B Individually Addressable Module
SCT013-Split-core-current-transformer Page SCT013 30A/1V Split core current transformer
LM6142 Operational Amplifiers Page LM6142 Dual Low-voltage Rail-to-rail Operational Amplifiers
MOV Varistor Page 10 mm Metal Oxide Varistor series MOV-10D391K, used to protect against over-voltage transients
SL353LT Hall effect sensor Page Micropower Omnipolar Digital Hall-Effect Sensor SL353 series ICs SOT23-3 low voltage low current
MKP-X2 Polypropylene Capacitor Page MKP-X2 Polypropylene Capacitor 100nF 275VAC EN60384
Discrete Components Page A list of discrete components
NRF24L01+ Adapter Page Socket adapter for Arduino Pro Mini 5V that provide 3.3v regulated power to the radio. Solder free.
NRF24L01+ SMD Adapter for Arduino Pro Mini 3V3 Page PCB adapter for Arduino Pro Mini 3.3v and SMD NRF24L01+
Arduino Mega 2560 Page MEGA 2560 Rev3 ATmega2560 board with CH340G
Arduino Nano 5V Page Cheap version of the Arduino Nano Atmega328P 5V 16MHz with CH340G
Arduino Pro Mini 3V3 Page Arduino Pro Mini Atmega328 3V3 8MHz
CC1101 Wireless 868MHz Page CC1101 10mW wireless tranceiver module 868MHz
CO2-sensor-T6703-5K Page CO2 sensor T6703-5K
Controllino Mega Page An industry ready, freely programmable PLC. It is based on Arduino Open Source Software Technology.
ACS712 Current Measure Page 5A 20A 30A Range Current Sensor Module ACS712 for Arduino
DCDC2to5 Page DCDC 2V-5V to 5V 2A Step Up Boost Supply Module
Delay Module 10s-24h Page Adjustable Long Delay Module
IO-expander with PCF8575 Page 16 channel I2C IO expander module based on PCF8575
Input Isolation Board Page 12V/24V Input 5V Output Optocoupler Isolation 8 Channel Board
KY-040 Rotary Encoder Page KY-040 Rotary Encoder sensor Module
MAX44009 Ambient Light Sensor Module Page GY-49 MAX44009 Ambient Light Sensor Module for Arduino with 4P Pin Header Module
MeanWell MDR-60-12 Page DIN rail mounted 12V 60W Power Supply
MOS FET PWM Module D4184 Page 15A 400W MOS FET Trigger Switch Drive Module PWM Regulator Control Panel AOD4184
MOS FET PWM Module YYNMOS-1 Page Mosfet MOS Optocoupler Isolation Driver Module Field Effect Transistor Trigger Switch PWM Control Board 3-20V
NRF24L01P-Module-E01ML01DP5 Page E01-ML01DP5 Long Range nRF24L01+ 2.4Ghz 100mW SMA Transceiver RF Module
NRF24L01P-Module-ebyte-E34 Page Ebyte E34-2G4D20D Long Range nRF24L01+ 2.4Ghz 100mW SMA Transceiver RF Module
NRF24L01+ Page NRF24L01+ wireless module for communication at 2.4GHz
NRF24L01+ Antenna Page NRF24L01+ with external antenna
NRF24L01+ SMD Page Small NRF24L01+ module with SMD connector
NodeMCU ESP8266 Page NodeMCU ESP8266 Lua Wifi V3 CH340
OLED Display SH1106 Blue Page OLED Display SH1106 Blue 1.3 inch 128x64 pixels I2C
OLED Display SSD1306 Page OLED Display SSD1306 White 0.49 inch 64x32 pixels I2C
OLED Display SSD1315 White Page OLED Display SSD1315 White 1.3 inch 128x64 pixels I2C
OpenSmartStore Clock Shield Page Clock Shield RTC module DS1307 module Multifunction Expansion Board with 4 Digit Display Light Sensor and Thermistor For Arduino
OpenSmartStore ILI9320 Touch LCD Page 2.8 inch TFT ILI9320 Touch LCD
OpenSmartStore UNO Page OPEN-SMART 5V / 3.3V Compatible UNO R3 (CH340G) ATMEGA328P Development Board with USB Cable for Arduino UNO R3
HLK-PM01 PowerSupply Page Sealed AC-DC 220V to 5V Step-Down Power Supply Module
PowerSupply YwRobot Page The power supply for the breadboard
RF-433Mhz-transmitter-receiver Page RF 433Mhz transmitter WL102-341 and receiver WL101-341
RFNanoKeywish Page Arduino with nRF24L01+ on board from Keywish
RFNanoTenstar Page Arduino with nRF24L01+ on board from Tenstar
RC Absorption Snubber / Modules Page RC Absorption/Snubber Circuit Module Relay Contact Protection Resistance Surge
Relay Module 1 channel Page The single channel SPDT relay module
Relay Module 2 channel Page The dual channel SPDT relay module
Relay Module 8 channel Page The 8 channel SPDT relay module
Relay Module Solid State Din Rail Page The DIN rail solid state relay module
SensebenderMicro Page MySensors own CPU module compatible with Arduino
Si7021 Module Page High Precision Si7021 Temperature and Humidity Sensor Module
TCA9548A I2C Multiplexer 1-to-8 Page TCA9548A I2C Multiplexer 1-to-8 Breakout board
W5100 Ethernet Page Arduino W5100 Ethernet Shield
W5100 Ethernet Shield for UNO / Mega Page Arduino Uno / Mega W5100 Ethernet Shield
WellPro WP8026ADAM Page 16DI Digital input module / Optocoupler isolated / RS485 MODBUS RTU communications
Window Open Alarm Page A cheap window alarm. It has a window reed contact and a battery compartment.
Liquid Crystal Display Module Page Liquid Crystal Display Module
Light sensor BH1750FVI module GY-302 Page BH1750FVI Digital 16bit Serial Output Ambient Light Sensor IC on module GY-302
Raspberry Pi Pico RP2040 Page Raspberry Pi Pico RP2040
Prototype Shield V.5 Page Arduino Uno Prototype Shield V.5
Arduino Uno Page Arduino Uno Rev3 ATmega328P board with CH340G
SHT30 Module Page Encapsulated SHT30 Temperature and Humidity Sensor Module
ESP32-WROOM-32 development board and Shield Page ESP32 Development Board and expansion board
Arduino Pro Mini 5V Page Arduino Pro Mini Atmega328 5V 16MHz
ESP32-C3 SuperMini and expansion board Page ESP32-C3 Development Board and expansion board
CC1101 Wireless 433MHz Page CC1101 10mW wireless tranceiver module 433MHz
STX882-SRX882 433MHz radio transmitter - receiver Page RF 433Mhz transmitter STX882 and receiver SRX882
CO2-sensor-SCD41 Page CO2 sensor SCD41
Modules Page A list of domotica modules
Back Door Sensor Page A back door sensor with a coin Cell and a reed contact to detect the state of the back door
Blinds Module Page Move the blinds up and down
CO2-Node-T6703-5K Page A CO2 sensor node with display
Coin Cell Node Page A small reed contact and temperature and humidity sensor supplied by a coin cell
Coin Cell Stable Node Page The Stable Node used with a coin Cell and a reed contact to detect the state of a switch (door, window, button)
ControllinoDomotica Page Controllino used as MySensors Gateway with house switches and relais outputs
Curtains Module Page Open or close the curtains
DeltaTempFanController Page A module to control a fan based on temperature difference
RPi Domoticz Controller Page The controller is a Raspberry Pi that connects to the gateway with a USB port and runs Domoticz
Domoticz on Synology NAS Page The Domoticz controller is running on a Synology NAS and it connects to the gateway by Ethernet
Door Window Button Sensor Page The sensor to detect the state of a swith (door, window, button)
Fan Module Page Control the fan in the bathroom
Gateway Ethernet W5100 Page The gateway between the NRF24L01+ network and the intranet
Gateway MQTT Client Page The gateway between the NRF24L01+ network and the MQTT server on the intranet
Gateway NodeMCU ESP8266 Page MySensors Gateway build with NodeMCU ESP8266
Serial Gateway Page The gateway between the NRF24L01+ network and the controller (the USB port of a RPI)
House Web Server Page A web server for house documentation - if the house is sold, then this webserver contains the documentation that the new owners need to receive.
Light Relay with Arduino Nano Page A LED light switching relay build with an Arduino Nano
Light Sensor with MAX44009 Page A small light sensor supplied by a coin cell
Printer Module Page Remotely switch the printer on or off
Radio Wifi NodeMCU ESP8266 Page Wifi Radio build with NodeMCU ESP8266 and VS1053B
RepeaterNanoEbyte Page A MySensors Repeater made with a 5V Arduino Nano and an Ebyte radio module
RepeaterProMini Page A MySensors Repeater made with an Arduino Pro Mini 5V
RepeaterProMiniWithSi7021 Page A MySensors Repeater made with an Arduino Pro Mini 5V and a Si7021 temerature and humidity sensor
RepeaterRFNanoTenstar Page A MySensors Repeater made with an RepeaterRFNanoTenstar
Scene Controller LCD Touch Page Use the OpenSmart TFT IL9320 Display 2.8 inch with touch function as a scene controller
Temperature Humidity Sensor Page The sensor for temperature and humidity
Window Open Sensor Page The sensor to detect if the window is open
Energy Monitor Page Measure mains energy - current, voltage, power
Radio Wifi ESP-32 Page Wifi Radio build with ESP-32 and VS1053B
Fan Module 2 Page Take 2 of Control the fan in the bathroom
Light Sensor with BH1750 Page A small light sensor supplied by mains
Nodes Page A list of nodes
Test Display OpenSmart 2.8 inch Page Test the OpenSmart TFT IL9320 Display 2.8 inch
Test OpenSmart LCD Touch Page Test the OpenSmart TFT IL9320 Display 2.8 inch - touch function
Test PCF8575 Page Test the PCF8575 with an Arduino Nano
Test Watchdog circuit STWD100 with Arduino Nano Page Test the Watchdog circuit STWD100 with an Arduino Nano
Tests Page A list of tests of modules
Arduino as ISP Page The "Arduino as ISP" is an Arduino ISP programmer
OpenLog Page OpenLog is an open source data logger that works over a simple serial connection and supports microSD cards
PlatformIO Core Page Professional collaborative platform for embedded development
USB ASP Page The "USB ASP" is an Arduino ISP programmer known by avrdude as usbasp
USB tiny ISP Page The "USB tiny ISP" is an Arduino ISP programmer known by avrdude as usbtiny
FDTI Programmer Page FDTI programmer for Arduino
I2C Scanner Page A short Arduino sketch to scan the I2C bus for devices
USB2TTL module with CH340G Page CH340G USB to TTL converter 3.3V/5V programmer for Arduino
Tools Page A list of tools
Software description of Guition ESP32-S3-4848S040 Page Software description of Guition ESP32-S3-4848S040 - Tasmota, OpenHASP, Home-Assistant
ESP32-C3 SuperMini - Blink - Platformio Post The complete beginners description of using PlatformIO Core (CLI) to program an ESP32-C3-SuperMini with the Blink sketch
PlatformIO Core (CLI) installation on Linux Post The complete beginners description of the installation of PlatformIO Core (CLI) on a Linux system.
ESP32-C3 SuperMini - Blink - Arduino Post The complete beginners description of using the Arduino IDE to program the ESP32-C3 SuperMini development board with the sketch "Blink".
Building a 433MHz RF Gateway Post Building a RF-Gateway for 433MHz with an ESP32 and a CC1101 module.
Solar car charger Post I made my car charge on excess solar energy only
Low power Hall effect sensor for battery powered security systems Post I am looking for a low power Hall effect sensor for battery powered security systems, and found the Honeywell SL353LT
Second part done - About my domotica Post The second part of this website is created - About my domotica. I have been working on this website for years. Domotica is my hobby.