- 5V power supply
- 1 Relay SPDT
- with jumper on L: make input 0V to activate relais
- with jumper on H: make input 2.5 .. 5V to activate relais
- sink/source current per input pin with relais on: 1.8mA
- sink/source current per input pin with relais off: 0mA
- power supply with relais on: 70mA
- power supply with relais off: 3mA
- 4 Pin Dip - Optocoupler
- green LED indicates power
- red LED indicates relais on
This module is meant for a supply voltage of 5V since the relais voltage is 5V; but this module is also available with a 9V, 12V or 24V relais.
With the jumper on the H position, it is possible to use it with a 3.3V microcontroller, such as the ESP8266 or ESP32. In this case, the module still needs 5V supply. Putting the jumper on L is probably lethal for a 3.3V processor.