Design principles
Via MySensors, the radio can be switched on and off, and the volume can be adjusted.
Based on
A MySensors gateway with a ESP-32 should work according especially since there is no NRF24L01+ radio.
The MySensors S_INFO and V_TEXT properties are used to transfer the song title to Domoticz. This has the problem that MySensors text is limited to 22 (or so) characters, and this in not enough.
So, the ESP-32 also incorporates a webserver with only one page, showing the radio name and the song title.
Component | Pin | Wire | Pin | Component |
VS1053B | 5V | red | VIN | ESP-32 |
VS1053B | GND | black | GND | ESP-32 |
VS1053B | DREQ | green | D4 | ESP-32 |
VS1053B | XCS (not CS) | white | D5 | ESP-32 |
VS1053B | XDCS (or DCS) | blue | D16 (RX2) | ESP-32 |
VS1053B | SCK | orange | D18 | ESP-32 |
VS1053B | SI (MOSI) | Purple | D23 | ESP-32 |
VS1053B | MISO | gray | D19 | ESP-32 |
VS1053B | XRESET | yellow | EN | ESP-32 |
The VS1053B card "CS" pin is not connected.
Source Code
Code at: RadioWifi2 and platformio.ini.
The radio as webserver
When browsing to the IP of the radio, you will see the following simple UI, where you can toggle the radio on or off.

The Wifi radio works fine, sound quality is good.
Some improvements may be needed though: It is a pity that the song title in MySensors is cut off. And the webpage with the song title does not auto-refresh.