The following PlantUML diagram defines the structure of this domotica domain:
- About domotica
- Overview
- BackDoorSensor
- BlindsModule
- CO2-Node-T6703-5K
- CoinCellNode
- CoinCellStableNode
- ControllinoDomotica
- CurtainsModule
- DeltaTempFanController
- DomoticzController
- DomoticzOnSynology
- DoorWindowButton
- EnergyMonitor
- FanModule
- FanModule2
- GatewayEthernetW5100
- GatewayMQTTClient
- GatewayNodeMCU
- GatewaySerial
- HouseWebServer
- LEDstripAnd7Spots
- LightRelayNano
- LightSensor
- LightSensorUno
- PrinterModule
- RadioWifi
- RadioWifi2
- RepeaterNanoEbyte
- RepeaterRFNanoTenstar
- RepeaterProMini
- RepeaterProMiniWithSi7021
- TempHumSensor
- WindowOpenSensor
- Tools
- Overview
- AdapterBoard For NRF24L01
- Adapter Pro Mini For Nrf Smd
- Arduino Mega
- Arduino Nano 5V
- Arduino Pro Mini 3V3
- Arduino Pro Mini 5V
- Arduino Uno
- CC1101-868MHz
- CO2-sensor T6703-5K
- Controllino Mega
- Current Measure 5A
- DCDC 2 to 5
- Delay Module 10s-24h
- Display TFT ILI9341 Touch LCD
- ESP32 and Shield
- Input Isolation Board
- IO expander PCF8575
- KY040-Rotary-Encoder
- Lighting
- Light sensor BH1750FVI
- Liquid Crystal Display Module
- MAX44009 Light Sensor
- MeanWell_MDR6012
- MosFetPwmDriveModule
- MosFetPwmModuleYYNMOS1
- NodeMCU_ESP8266
- NRF24L01Plus
- NRF24L01PlusAntenna
- NRF24L01PlusSMD
- NRF24L01P Module E01ML01DP5
- NRF24L01P Module ebyte E34
- OLED-Display SH1106
- OLED-Display SSD1306
- OLED-Display SSD1315
- OpenSmartStore Clock
- OpenSmartStore LCD
- OpenSmartStore UNO
- Pico Board RP2040
- PowerSupply HLK-PM01
- PowerSupply YwRobot
- Prototype Shield V.5
- Rc Absorption Module
- Relay Module 1 Channel
- Relay Module 2 Channel
- Relay Module 8 Channel
- Relay SolidState DinRail
- RF 433Mhz transmitter receiver
- RF Nano Keywish
- RF Nano Tenstar
- Sensebender Micro
- Si7021 Module
- SHT30 Module
- Stable Node
- TCA9548A
- VS1053B MP3 Player
- W5100 Ethernet
- W5100 Ethernet Shield Uno/Mega
- WellPro WP8026ADAM
- Window Open Alarm
- Discrete Components
- Test setups
- Model