The following pages and posts are tagged with

Title Type Excerpt
Thermostat - Global variables Page Global variables for the thermostat build with the Smart Display Guition ESP32-S3-4848S040 4.0inch
Display TFT ILI9341 Touch LCD Page 2.8 inch TFT ILI9341 Touch LCD
Adding a SHT40 to the Guition ESP32-S3-4848S040 Page Adding a I²C SHT40 temperature and humidity sensor to the Guition ESP32-S3-4848S040
Improvements of the power supply Page Improvements of the power supply - adding a safety capacitor, MOV varistor
Guition ESP32-S3-4848S040 Page Smart Display Guition ESP32-S3-4848S040 4.0inch
Thermostat build with smart display Guition ESP32-S3-4848S040 Page A smart thermostat build with the 4.0 inch Smart Display Guition ESP32-S3-4848S040
OLED Display SH1106 Blue Page OLED Display SH1106 Blue 1.3 inch 128x64 pixels I2C
OLED Display SSD1306 Page OLED Display SSD1306 White 0.49 inch 64x32 pixels I2C
OLED Display SSD1315 White Page OLED Display SSD1315 White 1.3 inch 128x64 pixels I2C
OpenSmartStore Clock Shield Page Clock Shield RTC module DS1307 module Multifunction Expansion Board with 4 Digit Display Light Sensor and Thermistor For Arduino
OpenSmartStore ILI9320 Touch LCD Page 2.8 inch TFT ILI9320 Touch LCD
Software description of Guition ESP32-S3-4848S040 Page Software description of Guition ESP32-S3-4848S040 - Tasmota, OpenHASP, Home-Assistant